Friday, November 26, 2010

Activity 1: Non-standard Measurements for Volume of Liquid-high achiever

1.2 Activity for high achiever.

Learning Outcomes:
*      To measure volumes of liquid using non-standard units.

*      A small various glass


 *      A small bowl

*      A  small jug
*      A large pail
1.      Divide the class into groups of three pupils.
2.      Pupils work in their cooperative groups.
3.      Group leader will be a recorder.
4.      Give each group a set of different sizes of glass and a large bowl.
5.      Pupils will estimate the number of glass needed to contain all the water in the large bowl.
6.      Pupils will fill the bowl to check the estimate.
7.      The pupils will record the findings in the table and answer the questions given by teacher:

Small glass
Small bowl
Small jug


 ~ The volume of water in the pail is the same as capacity of ________ small glass.
 ~ The volume of water in the pail is the same as capacity of ________ small bowl.
 ~ The volume of water in the pail is the same as capacity of ________ small jug.

8.      Pupils will discuss on the three containers (glass, bowl and jug), which have the large capacity.
9.      Instruct the pupils to arrange the three containers in ascending order of their capacities.

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